Prime Law Day On Location…Audio Interviews Of Attendees

 Enjoy this weeks show as Host of Neothink Radio Steve Fagan
 interviews the attendees of the first Prime Law Day. Presidential Canditate
 for the Twelve Visions Party Miss Jill Reed was in attendance.  
 For more information on the Twelve Visions Party


  1. The show turned beautifully, my sincerest thanks to everyone who particiapted in the Prime Law Day and the radio show,and to Kjelene Bertrand for her magic of producing dynamic show representing a very memborable and historic day. This show definitely needs to get to the masses. Please forward this radio show and the website : to everyone we know. Steve Fagan

  2. Larry Johnson says

    I am proud to be apart of the beginning of this historical movement to bring the Prime Law to all people. We are proud of all the Visionaries and volunteers that came together to make Prime Law Day a reality. This movement at the grassroots level will grow with deep rooted motivational LOVE for people of all classes that are not part of the ruling class that’s holding down society greatest access the people. This is a people’s movement that will grow.

  3. Gilbert P. Oliver says

    Hello everyone: This is very exiting, from New York, This so beautifull to hear all the people joining in reciting the Prime Law, I love the exitement, Could you estimate how many people attended. Would have been great to have a video of this History Event.

  4. Loren Craig says

    Great show Steve. I downloaded all your interviews that were sent to me by Larry Johnson, but they were saved in .wav format. This saves me the need to convert to mp3 in order to post them on My NeoSpace plus a second chance to listen again.

  5. What can you tell me about Zeitgeist, & how do we stop the centralized banking socialists?

  6. Kjelene Bertrand says

    Hello Jon, Check out the movie “Thrive”…this should give you some answers about 1 hour into it.
    Here’s the link.

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