Neothink Radio Oct.30th With Steve Fagan

 Steve Fagan Host of Neothink Radio as well as Vice Chair of
 the National Committee of the Twelve Visions Party. 
 This week Steve speaks about his passion of creating your
 own business. He gives the example of how you can create
 your own business and how it can succeed with the example
 of Steve Jobs and other creative souls.


  1. Hi Steve,

    I really enjoy your insights and could feel the energy and vibrance in your voice and spirit with your message about garage etreprenuers.


    Mark Edward Brown

  2. Steve Fagan says


    I honestly believe it is crucial for individuals, to each, find their essence and move forward to fulfill their dreams by having thier own company/organization. It is time for the masses to stop fulfilling others dreams and not achieve all there is out of life, for themselves. Since I started my own company, I have been exhilerated daily, excited to see what I can create and develop for society that day……

    Have a great day…..
    Steve Fagan

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