NTR Presents Golden Seekers

 Join Hosts Nellie Hayse and Steve Fagan!
Will Swanson recites the Prime Law.
Bud Crews sings “Let There Be Peace On Earth”.
Steve speaks of the Founder of the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and how he has dedicated his life for the 
well being of mankind that has led to his creation of 
a new political system.


  1. Daniel González says

    Imagine! The near future – Jill Reed – Twelve Vision Party, President of the United States- only Budget in its entirety; when they were not politicians. Only wanted a free and blooming economy, all hoax will end Super technologies and entrepreneurs, and the explosion of prosperity soaring beyond our comprehension in today’s terms.
    Excellent Show, thank you very much.

  2. America need to beck live,wy need happy live,safty live,wy need the right people in govermen,stap to chitis,lie corupt.America its best country in the word for livingf,I so the people live in meny country ,I chose the live in hier,I love dys country oll my hearts,bat whot shappent nau?? I dont anderstud,my heart its kry ,whot its sytuaction nau .?I boliv so live go to beter soon,I cant wayt,becose oll die. Thank you for best show

  3. Thank you for listening to this exciting and very informative show Daniel. Yes, a wonderful, exciting world is becoming a reality.

  4. shirley schoessel says

    Keep up the good work Jill. You are so amazing. I loved your talk today. Thank you for all the hard work you do and your intent to help all of ,WE THE PEOPLE, by getting into the White House, with the Prime Law. Shirley Schoessel

  5. Joe Gorski says

    Jill Reed spoke so smoothly and naturally to all of us as she always does. She got to the essense of the matter; why should one adult be allowed to control another adult? Why should people be going to prison for political reasons, if they are not a danger to society? It is all about power and control. We need the Prime Law to stop this now. Remember that our country was founded by a few hundred visionairies. Ultimately only about a third of the nation supported the independence movement. The rest were disinterested or even against it. Right now we are in the same situation as then. We have a few hundred people with a vision for this country looking to get the support of just over a third of the voters. It can happen again!

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