In the first segment of Neothink Radio, Host Steve Fagan gives a   perspective of what a world could look like with the Twelve Visions Party.
Steve introduces those men and women that have helped move this movement forward.
The next segment introduces Miss Jill Reed, Junior Vice Chair of the TVP National Committee.
Jill is the 2012 Presidential Candidate for the TVP. Visit


  1. Hi Everyone.
    I was reflecting over the program I just listned too.Just listening to the passion in your voices of our executive comittee and the time they devout to this new dimension. I am truly amaze and bless to Hear such conviction.
    BOB(rhode Island)

  2. Thank you Bob, when you have honest believe to help society to be in a very much needed better place.
    YOu have found what will offer all people a better way of living, you cannot help but show your excitement and passion.

  3. To Restate:

    When you have found the formula, and honestly believe in the formula,

    You cannot help but be excited, show strong passion, and want to shout out to the roof tops,

    The Twelve Visions Party will move Society forward, and offer all people the opportunity to prosper and live happily.

    WOW!!!!! Now that is exciting…..

  4. Loren Craig says


  5. If God Be For Us Who Be Against US: I am a survivor of the Near Death Experience severe head trauma motor vehicle accident hospitalized 31 days coma 28 days resucitated 3x(Defibbed) with 15% chance of survival I was kept alive by all the medical technology you can imagine.Upon AWAKENING I was medically ordered to stay for at least 60 more days of medical supervision ON day 7of my consciousness I was Blessed with seeing the Unseen visitor which the nurse repeatedly told me to stop talking to someone that was not there. I not only saw but heard what my VISION comforted me with and I demanded they release me this day!This Vision has been my identity to create.I took responsibility for myself. I sought for anyone who would listen to gifts that were instilled in me to deliver and found a NON-Secular Institute of Educating our Spirits I enrolled in a Doctoral of Metaphysics program.Presently working on my dissertattion thesis. which mirrors issues conversated here.Remember to let your light shine when facing criticism & opposition It exists in hidden places among humanity either by ignorance of the light or ego proudly boasting its shadow powers upon civilization It is up to us to UnRAVEL the control of Corporative/Political Greed that has kept humanity corralled from their precious INBORN GIFTS

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