Mark Hamilton Featured On Neothink Radio

 Click on the picture of Founder of the Neothink Society and the Twelve
Visions Party, Mr. Mark Hamilton. Join this movement of Wealth, Health and
This weeks show features the audio excerpts of Mark Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton
speaks of the current political party’s as well as gives answers to help all of
us to discern for ourselves. There is so much more that I want to say. Just listen and you will understand more.  


  1. Hi NTR, I love listening to these great conceptualizations from Mark Hamilton. We/ve gotten fat on illusions… And with these illusions our health has dwindled… I saw a video from a south african explaining that if you think you have it bad watch this! Kjelene, I saw children wearing smashed plastic liter bottles tied to their feet for shoes, I saw children abadoned on the streets due to the death of their parents. And worst of all, I saw a child with his face buried in a Cows behind so as to drink the urine coming out as there was no water. In Africa, the dictators don’t even care about their people in many instances… Today, we see that our own government has cast its care for the people aside by removing our freedoms one by one thereby leaving us victims to whatever they allow us to have. Yes, there are many wealthy,however today the middle class has dwindled by 30% according to latest statistics. That means that the American people are loosing their lives due to corrupted political laws and regulations that do us great harm. I hope the Twelve Visions Party’s – Prime Law Amendment can be the life preserver that we so desperately need. Thank you for working so hard with NTR to bring this message of protection to the people. TheUndefeatedLife

  2. Kerchief Kertz says

    I personally think this Hamilton guy is a world class nut. You mean to tell me that there are actually people out there who believe in this sh*t?

  3. Kjelene Bertrand says

    He is certainly not..he was one of my very first Mentors. He is an amazing man with answers to our current world situation of strife. His research and writings are decades of devotion for the eventual conclusion for the common good for our society and his fellow man. As to your question? ….Yes Sir!!! A World Class People believe and trust this truth! Read more at

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