Neothink Radio 3/5/12

When society embraces the Twelve Visions Party,
surfacing in society will be  3 benefits: 
1. Near-perfect health for the young, the old, and for those in their prime. 
2. Millionaire -like wealth for ordinary people, including the poor. 
3. Exciting jobs for nearly everyone, which  released nearly everyone’s human potential.
Steve Fagan interviews Joan Raymer ( RN and Active Neothink Member)


  1. Gilbert P. Oliver says

    Hello,Steve and Joan: You had a great show today, with great information and views. I really the show today, specially about The Twelve Visions Party progress and Joan talk about health, I’m for one are very concern about excellent health specially at my age,(80) Also like Joan’s views about Jill Reed ( our next president ) she is doing a fantastic work out there. Thanks you guys.

  2. Loren Taylor says

    Once again, Steve speaks from his heart about the TVP and all the wonderful effects that will begin to happen immediately, once it is successful in replacing the corrupt, broken political system we currently have. After his 1 to 1 interview with JoAnn, it is easy to see why Alaska seems a bit warmer than usual these days.

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